2015-12-26 |
December 26, 2015 - "Neither Cold Nor Hot" with Sabbath School |
Pastor Jamison Wallington |
2015-12-19 |
December 19, 2015 - Family Christmas Program with Sabbath School |
Yucaipa SDA Church |
2015-12-12 |
December 12, 2015 - "Lydia" |
Pastor Elijah Grekov |
2015-12-05 |
December 5, 2015 - "Certain Security" |
Pastor Elijah Grekov |
2015-11-28 |
November 28, 2015 - "So Walk In Him" |
Pastor Christine Wallington |
2015-11-21 |
November 21, 2015 - "Satisfaction Guaranteed" |
Pastor Elijah Grekov |
2015-11-14 |
November 14, 2015 - Radiant Adventist Youth Singers |
RAYS Choir |
2015-10-31 |
October 31, 2015 - "When Do We Stop Praying?" |
Pastor Elijah Grekov |
2015-10-24 |
October 24, 2015 - "Who Has God Cursed?" |
Pastor Elijah Grekov |
2015-10-17 |
October 17, 2015 - "Let There Be Life" |
Pastor Christine Wallington |
2015-10-10 |
October 10, 2015 - "Great Expectations" |
Pastor Elijah Grekov |
2015-10-03 |
October 3, 2015 - "The Reality of Love" |
Pastor Elijah Grekov |
2015-09-26 |
September 26, 2015 - "Azazel & Us" |
Pastor Jamison Wallington |
2015-09-19 |
September 19, 2015 - "Second Coming of Jesus Christ" |
Gary McLarty |
2015-09-12 |
September 12, 2015 - "Abraham & Isaac" |
Pastor Jamison Wallington |
2015-09-05 |
September 5, 2015 - "Living By Faith" |
Gary McLarty |
2015-08-28 |
August 29, 2015 - "Happily Every After: Marriage & Family" |
Pastor Christine Wallington |
2015-08-21 |
August 22, 2015 - "Sewing Seeds of Kindness" |
Elder Kenneth Cox & Sandy Braford |
2015-08-14 |
August 15, 2015 - "Death & Resurrection" |
Pastor Elijah Grekov |
2015-08-07 |
August 8, 2015 - "The Sanctuary - A Place for Peace & Forgiveness" |
Elder Kenneth Cox |
2015-07-24 |
July 25, 2015 - "Light of the Great Controversy" |
Elder Gary Strunk |
2015-07-17 |
July 18, 2015 - "Searching for God" |
David Sturm |
2015-07-10 |
July 11, 2015 - "Communion with Community" |
Pastor Elijah Grekov |
2015-07-03 |
July 4, 2015 - "Faithful Steward" |
Roscoe Benjamin |
2015-06-26 |
June 27, 2015 - "Would I be better off without society?" |
Colwick WIlson |
2015-06-19 |
June 20, 2015 - "What does the church have to offer?" |
Barbara Hernandez |
2015-06-12 |
June 13, 2015 - "The Law of God" |
Pastor Elijah Grekov |
2015-05-29 |
May 30, 2015 - "Here I Am" |
Pastor Jamison Wallington |
2015-05-22 |
May 23, 2015 - "Spiritual Gifts" |
Pastor Elijah Grekov |
2015-05-15 |
May 16, 2015 - "The Lord's Supper" |
Pastor Elijah Grekov |
2015-05-08 |
May 9, 2015 - "Unity: What's in a Name?" |
Pastor Christine Wallington |
2015-05-01 |
May 2, 2015 - "Baptism" |
Pastor Elijah Grekov |
2015-04-24 |
April 25, 2015 - "The Remnant & Its Mission" |
Pastor Elijah Grekov |
2015-04-17 |
April 18, 2015 - "The Church: Saying 'Yes' to the Call" |
Pastor Christine Wallington |
2015-04-10 |
April 11, 2015 - "Growing in Christ" |
Pastor Elijah Grekov |
2015-04-03 |
April 4, 2015 - "Euaegglion" / Sabbath School Music Program |
Pastor Jamison Wallington |
2015-03-27 |
March 28, 2015 - "The Great Controversy" |
Elder Gary Strunk |
2015-03-20 |
March 21, 2015 - "The 4th Commandment & Your Adrenal Glands" |
Dr. Nephtali Gomez |
2015-03-13 |
March 14, 2015 - "In The Beginning" |
Dr. Gary McLarty |
2015-03-06 |
March 7, 2015 - "Noah's Ark Through the Eyes of a Child" |
Pastor Christine Wallington |
2015-02-27 |
February 28, 2015 - "Maintenance Required for Salvation" |
Pastor Jamison Wallington |
2015-02-20 |
February 21, 2015 - "The Promise of the Holy Spirit" |
Elder Kenneth Cox |
2015-02-13 |
February 14, 2015 - "Unfailing Commitment" |
Pastor Elijah Grekov |
2015-02-06 |
February 7, 2015 - "Jesus' Way in Times of Crisis" |
Elder John Graz |
2015-01-30 |
January 31, 2015 - "God the Father" |
Pastor Elijah Grekov |
2015-01-23 |
January 24, 2015 - "Who is Jesus?" |
Pastor Jamison Wallington |
2015-01-16 |
January 17, 2015 - "The Mystery of the Godhead" |
Pastor Elijah Grekov |
2015-01-09 |
January 10, 2015 - "The Trinity" |
Pastor Elijah Grekov |
2015-01-02 |
January 3, 2015 - "Do you have room for one more gift?" |
Elder Robert Roth |